Referencia cultural acerca de los idiomas: Español,Inglés y Wayúnaiki. (Clara Fernández,Juan Daniel Tovar, María Elena Ospino, Mariela Epiayú) Alumnos grado 11° y 8°.
Mariela Epiayú y María Elena Ospino
Escena de Don Quijote de la Mancha.(Yahelis Sierra y Jainer Torres) Alumnos grados 9° y 10°.
Escena de Don Quijote.Alumnos grados 9° y 10°.
Nuestra cultura wayúu.Rosalia Barros y Jenifer Epiayú. Alumnas grado 9°.
Women of my country (1) students 9th, 10th and 11th grade
Women of my country(2) students are talking about the atraction of some departments of Colombia.
Women of my country(3).The students are dancing a popular Colombian song, "Las mujeres de mi tierra", in this way they finished their show.
"Waving Flag"(1) Adrian Toro is showing the official song of the World Cup by K´naan and David Bisbal. Students 6th , 8th, and 10th grade.
The students are dancing "Waving Flag" the official song of the World Cup.
Baile checumbia por Kareilis Brito y Daniris Ortega.Grado 8°
Cumbia por Keli, Julieth y Katlin
Dramatización de la leyenda "La llorona" (1) alumnos de 8° grado.
La llorona(2)