martes, 15 de marzo de 2016

Halloween Conversation 10th grade

Activity: Halloween Conversation
Students: Greily Mindiola, Maria José and Eugenia Jimenez. 
Grade: 10thA
Description: Students acted in  a conversation about  Halloween day.
Teacher: Ms. Solano
School: Roig y villalba

Halloween Conversations. Students in 10th grade.

 Sandra Escobar and Naimileth Añez.

 Lisandri, Neisuleth and Liz.
Maria José, Greily and Eugenia.
 Yuri and Yolibeth.
 Daniela, Angy and Nicole.
 Yurainis and Aitza.
 10thA grade
Ana and Karla
 Eugenia and Ms. Solano
 Yuris Restrepo
 Yolibeth Pelaez

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

Students in 11th grade acted in a halloween activity. The best for learning is the playful activities.

Sergio Castro and yoleidis Molina  acted in a halloween activity.
Cristian Ayala and Karen Blanco were Charles Chaplin and Malefica. It was a halloween activity.

Students in 6th grade are pronouncing the numbers. They are using the smart board with an interactive game.

Winnileth Martinez is a student in 6th grade. She´s  practicing the numbers on the smart board.
Teacher: Ms. Solano
Rafael Acosta is a student in 6th grade. He´s practicing the pronunciation of the numbers.
Teacher: Ms. Solano