martes, 28 de abril de 2020


Yiseth Acosta   made a great effort for this challenge. Congrats! (9thC)

Zhaileth Robles was one of the winner. She did it well. Congratulations!
Yireth Lesmes was winner too. He involved her dad in the challenge. She was very creative. Congrats! (10thA)
Jiniba Licona made a great effort for sending it, finally she could do it. Congrats!
Victoria Zuñiga was the third winner in this challenge. She was really great. Congratulations! (10thA)
Samuel López I reaaly enjoyed your challenge because you have worked hard to achieve it. Well done. (9thB)
Sainer Solano was very creative. I like this video. Congrats!(9thA)

Rosimar Barragán was vey creative. It was really fantastic. Congrats! (9thC)
Ricardo Rodelo also involved her mom. It was a fantastic video. Congrats!   (9thB)
Natali Pulido involved her family too (mother, aunt, sister and cousins). I loved this video. Congrats for you and your family. (9thC)
Nais Carrillo was very creative, the little boy was fantastic. It was a very good video. Good pronunciation. Congrats!