viernes, 27 de marzo de 2020

Inphographics pictures about Eating Disorders 9th grades

 Verania Ramirez,Luisa Leal, Nailedis Añez and Natalia Vizcaino. 9thA

Faizhury Robles, Yeidis Cobo, Ana Garzón. 9thA.

Jorge Pernia, David Mendoza. 9thA

Maria José Arias, Elthon Baquero, Sandra Argote and Anais Ferrer. 9thA
 Suamy Cardozo, Sarai Brito, Juliana Moscote and Yurelis Gamero. 9thA
Nicolás Suarez, Juan David Solano, Jesus figueroa and Jose Patenina. 9thB
Leomar Amador, Juan David Peñaloza, Jhon Villalba and Joseph Ardila. 9thB
 Maria Karina Cobo, Luis Carlos Barros and Johander Nelo. 9thB
 María Barrera, Zharith Gonzalez, Kendry Gonzalez and Laura Pérez. 9thB
 Yarilsa Jimenez, Lorena Nieves, Mariana Rondón and Samuel Lopez. 9thB
 Yelmer Ortega, Jeison Fernández, Jose Luis Gonzalez and Ever Gamez. 9thC
 Ayanith Quintero, Kariley Mendoza, Valeria Duarteand Bleidis Vallejo. 9thB
 Deidris Ayala, Rosy Mar Barragán, Ana Manosalva and Brandy Soler. )thC
 LunaRincones, Carmen Romero and Nais Carrillo. 9thB
 Juliana Gomez, Alejandra Castillo and Alejandra Vidal. 9thC
 Jiniba Licona, Miguel Angel Mejía,Yisseth Acosta and Luisa Perez. 9thC
Yireth Lesmes, Ailin Camelo, Kendris Blanchar and María Teresa Peralta. 9thB

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