Lili Andrea Daza with her orange T-shirt. She drew The "congo"

Liceth Moscarella with her nice T-shirt "el Congo"

Gleisis Amaya with her nice black T-shirt.

Luisa with her original T- shirt.

Leidys Rivera drew a beautiful bear.

A beautiful "negrita pulloy"

A cute marimonda.

Aleida with a colorful marimonda.

Wildian Brito drew a little bull "torito" on a red T-shirt.

Luis Miguel Castaño is showing his green T-shirt with a nice marimonda.

Dariana Frias With her white T-shirt. She drew a litle bull "torito".

Juan Bernarndo and Carlos Andrés Londoño are proud of their T-shirt dedicated to Jesus.

she is happy with her little bull "torito".

She is happy with her yellow T-shirt with a nice marimonda.

Hector Rocha is modeling his beautiful yelow T-shirt with a colorful mask.
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