Monica Amaya with her red T.shirt.She drew beautiful blue flowers.

Beautiful mask and flowers.

Rafael Amaya with a nice white shirt.

Cirleth Rovira is Showing you our National hat.

Luisa Martinez with her original white T-shirt.

Beautiful flowers.

Daniela with her original ripped T-shirt.

Keiner with his original design.

She is happy with her beautiful cayena flower.

Jahelis Sierra with her tender heart on her blue T-shirt.

Daniela Morales with her blue T-shirt. She drew some flowers.

A nice and colorful T-shirt.

She drew a purple flower on her white T-shirt.

Beautiful flowers .

Our National flower.

Nice black T-shirt.

Colorful flowers.

A beautiful T-shirt.

A nice black T-shirt,

She drew our National hat "sombrero vueltiao".

Lauris with her cute T-shirt.
He is showing you our national hat.

A nice black T- shirt with a little bull "torito"
This is our Art class the students practice the English language in it.